Wish Lists

I found some old notebooks the other day, ones where I had made a note
of my 'wish lists'. The books dated back to 1999 when I was still
teaching English and we'd been in Italy five years. I was amazed to
find that almost all the things I had on my lists had happened. I
wanted to write full time – check, to restore the house we were living
in then – check, to then move house – check and to find a house which
was 'private and not isolated' on the edge of a village. Check again.

lists are powerful things and have a tremendous impact on your
subconscious, which beavers away in the background fulfilling them in
whatever ways it can. Needless to say I have a new wish list and have
also made a slideshow with affirmations and music which I am watching
when I remember. Pictures are even more powerful than words for your
subconscious (even for a writer!)

Maybe this time I should add a time limit as I got what I wanted last time but it took ten years!