If you write or do anything that involves creating something from your imagination, then you will know all about the muse. That elusive little creature that resides in your head, sometimes outside it, and is responsible for powering up your imagination, giving you great ideas and generally keeping you ‘in the zone’.

This muse can sometimes play hard to get and when she’s sulking or on strike, then getting her to co-operate can be pretty difficult. What can we do when the muse decides not to come out and play?

Here are a few tricks that will entice her out from wherever it is she hides herself.


Need to get creative in a hurry? Here are five ways that I find work really well for me, they might help you too.

Your right brain – yeah, yeah, it’s a phrase bandied around a lot, but you know what? If you can access it, it can take you all kinds of places! In this post, there are a couple of ideas from the article above but three new ideas too!

Have you heard of your amygdala? It’s in your brain and if you can get it to click forward then you can access your creativity and all kinds of things. The trick is to remember to keep doing it!

It’s not easy to write great stuff if you’re depressed, despite the sterotypical image of a tortured, suicidal alcoholic genius. So here are some ways to cheer yourself up!

Great creators know how to play and there’s nothing like making a vision board to get inspired, especially if you like playing with glue and magazines! Here’s how.


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